Talking Bodies

Taylor Bashta Wellness

I wanted to share a few things that have really helped me in my overall wellness the past two years. My motivation behind this website is to create a space that helps people feel and live better. 

I believe mental and emotional and physical health are all closely tied. I also believe our bodies talk to us about how we are doing in all of those areas.

Honestly- I ignored some things my body was trying to tell me for too long. I lived with some stress symptoms that were trying to tell me I needed to make some changes. I didn’t listen for a long time and had to really do some work to recover. My therapist calls it “cues”. Some body cues could be:

-if you’re having trouble sleeping

-if you’re appetite goes down or up

-if you feel a tightness in your chest or gut

-if you just feel unsettled

-if anxiety develops out of nowhere- even social anxiety

-If you’re more tired than normal

-If your cycle is irregular

-it can even be just that feeling of something is “off”

These are all examples of cues our body gives us. My cues tend to be in my gut.

My stomach tightens, my appetite goes up or down, I feel anxious. I’m also an avoider and can push negative feelings aside. I’m the queen of “It’s fine. This is fine. It’s all fine!” when it’s really not. But that can definitely backfire. 

So here are a few things I do when I finally listen to the cues.

*I slow down and really think about what my body is saying. If my stomach is in a knot, I follow that thread. For me, that typically means something is weighing on me, or I’m worried about a future situation. I take the time to really think about what Is going on that week, or what might be causing some anxiety. Then I try to think about being present in the moment. If it’s something I have no control over, I take some deep breaths and think of why I’m grateful for the day I’m actually living- not worried about the future.

*I take walks. If my brain starts to feel crazy and I find myself snapping at the kids or Daniel, I know I need some time alone. Alone alone. Not just away from the kids but around other people. This is a discipline for me because I’m a people person. But I take a walk through the woods and its amazing how different I feel after.

*I’ve recently started diving into the topic of whatever I feel like I’m needing to learn. The past few months I’ve been reading and learning about feminine wholeness and really embracing who I am as a woman and having confidence. But be careful not to pick too many topics at once, this can overload our brains. Focus on learning or studying one thing at a time.

*A fun girls night out is known to cure many things. Laughing, being silly, being heard, sharing what’s going on in life! Doctors would be smart to prescribe a good Girls Night Out!

*Therapy has been huge in my life as well. Sometimes we just need some professional help to deal with the things swirling around us. And I’m thankful that therapy can be done over zoom!

Listening to our body is important. It might just be telling you something as simple as  slow down and rest. It might be telling you that something in your life needs to change, and it won’t stop telling you until you change it. Take time to slow down and listen. We’re better wives, friends, moms, daughters etc if we are healthy and living our best versions in mind, body and spirit!

Taylor Bashta Wellnes


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