Carrot Fries

Taylor Bashta Wellness

Are these as satisfying as real fries? Do they taste like real fries? Nope. But they are delicious!

And easy to make! They are great for leftovers and can be eaten warm or cold with some hummus!

Start by peeling whole carrots and chopping into “frie size” pieces.

Taylor Bashta Wellness
Taylor Bashta Wellness

In a roasting pan, drizzle carrots with olive oil, and sprinkle with your favorite seasoning. I love beautiful briny sea seasoning (linked). Their seasonings are clean and SO flavorful! And they have so many fun mixtures of seasoning! Hot Steve works great on veggies! But I also love French Picnic!

Taylor Bashta Wellness
Taylor Bashta Wellness

Toss carrots and roast on 425 for 30-40 minutes, stirring a few times along the way. I like to roast mine a little longer to get those yummy burnt/crispy edges!

Taylor Bashta Wellness

We serve these a lot with turkey burgers, or grilled chicken. I also love to add them to a salad! It’s so nice to have a side item roasting away while you are working on other things!

Taylor Bashta Wellness
Taylor Bashta Wellness

Carrot Fries

*Use a peeler to peel outer skin off of whole carrots

*Chop into “free size” pieces and place in roasting pan

*Drizzle with olive oil and season with whatever seasoning you like. Seasoned Salt works well, or just classic sea salt.

*Roast on 425 for 30-40 minuets, stirring a few times.

*Serve with burgers or grilled chicken, or throw on a salad! Also great with honey dijon mustard!


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