Smoothie Magic


I love smoothies because you can pack a whole bunch of nutrients in one easy blended meal or snack!

You can change it up, add new fruits, add more carbs for a meal, or keep it lighter for a snack. It’s a great way to sneak in veggies for kids, and for adults! You can make pretty smoothie bowls, or quickly pour into a to-go cup on the run. We rarely get enough greens in life and smoothies are a GREAT way to get raw veggies/spinach/kale- and you can’t taste it!


I usually start with the same basic ingredients.


I love Vega protein because it is plant based, which seems to do better with digestion than whey for many people, and I can get it on Amazon or Sprouts. I’ll link to amazon here! I also love to use PB powder to get that yummy peanut butter taste with out all the fat of real peanut or almond butter. Plus I usually add a scoop of nut butter as a topping to the smoothie, so this helps keep fat down as well.

Raw Cacao powder is a chocolate lover’s dream for smoothies- it’s actually a super food and has tons of nutrients, but it isn’t sweetened. When you add a natural sweetener like fruit- you get a healthy rich chocolate flavor!

I buy extra bananas and let them ripen, then keep them in a ziplock bag in the freezer. If i’m making a post workout smoothie and want more carbs- I’ll add a frozen banana and sometimes oats.

If i’m just wanting a snack that has a good amount of protein, I’ll use half of a banana and leave out the oats and keep the nut butter lighter.

I’m bad about measuring- I usually just start throwing stuff in. But I try to use only 1 or 2 fruits and only in small amounts. Smoothies can get very high in sugar quickly, even thought its fruit sugar. And I love to use frozen black cherries, strawberries, and blueberries- all of which are very sweet and you don’t need much!

I ALWAYS add greens. I’ll freeze spinach or kale that is about to go bad and use that. Or throw in fresh greens. Sometimes I’ll cut up zucchini and squash and freeze that, or add frozen cauliflower rice- all great veggies that you can’t taste in smoothies.


Have fun making the smoothie taste however you want it to! If I’m craving something sweet- I love to use just chocolate protein powder, raw cacao powder, peanut butter powder and ice and it tastes like a much healthier Reece’s peanut butter cup smoothie!

I’ll share a basic recipe, but the fun of smoothies is making it your own! And adding all the fun toppings- like granola, berries, mini chocolate chips, coconut chips, a protein bar crumbled up, or a scoop of almond butter! Or make it thicker by adding less liquid and make it into a pretty smoothie bowl!


Smoothie Magic Basic Recipe

For 2 servings:

*1 cup almond or oat milk

*2 scoops protein powder

*1 frozen banana

*1 C fruit (I like to use half frozen black cherries, half blueberries)

*Huge handful of spinach

(optional for even more hidden veggies- frozen cauliflower rice or chopped zucchini/squash)

*1/3 oats if you are needing more carbs as a recovery meal

*2 Tbs PB Powder

*splash of vanilla extract

*scoop of raw cacao powder if you’re a chocolate lover

*1 C ice

Throw everything in a high powered blender, like a vitamix, and BLEND!

toppings ideas: granola, scoop of almond butter, mini chocolate chips, coconut chips, berries, crumbled up protein bar (I love the kids size perfect bars),

For a bowl- use less liquid for a thicker consistency you would eat with a spoon and have fun with the toppings!




