
Taylor Bashta Wellness

My husband and I have started sending each other short gratitude lists in the morning. If I’m working at the gym, it makes me smile to see his list pop up on my phone. It’s easy, you type the first things that come to mind. The more specific you are, the better. It’s easier to be vague and general- more challenging that you might think to be detailed and specific. But it make a big difference. And it sets my perspective for the day.

Rohr writes “Only a pre-existent attitude of gratitude (as opposed to any state of resentment or entitlement), a deliberate choice of love over fear, a desire to be positive instead of negative, will allow you to live in the SPACIOUS PLACE WE DESCRIBE AS “PEACE.”

A sample of my gratitude list for today:

  • Grateful for my fireplace

  • Grateful for Daniel and I being willing to do the work and be healthier versions of ourselves

  • Grateful for a Costco size bag of Chocolate covered pumpkin seeds

  • Grateful that Saint kisses my cheek every night and says “I’ll snuggle you as soon as I wake up”

  • Grateful for love notes left on my mirror

  • Grateful for an amazing morning helping others get healthier

It doesn’t have to be long. Try it. In a time where things can seem very overwhelming…try a little gratitude today!


butternut squash soup


spiritual health